Selling Your First Business: A Guide For FBA Sellers
If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re an FBA seller thinking about selling your business. Congratulations! You’ve been successful in one of the most competitive industries, and now it’s time to take what you’ve learned and move on to the next adventure.
Selling your FBA business can be exciting and scary at the same time. Getting the most from the sale also takes some work upfront, but there are many benefits to getting your business in order.
First, the good news: When selling to Thrasio, you don’t need to have your business perfectly shipshape before meeting with us. In fact, we don’t want you to put off getting in touch. However, selling your business is a multistep process, and doing a little homework can pay off at the negotiating table.
Think about what you want from the deal
● Money? If so, how much?
● How involved do you want to be in the business?
● Do you want to move quickly or wait for the perfect deal?
Know where your business sits in the marketplace
● What category are you in?
● What’s your market share?
● What does your revenue stream look like over the course of 12 months?
Get a clearer picture of your finances & operations
If you’re a one-person operation, chances are good that a lot of your systems and processes live in your head. Start thinking about all the information you need to gather in order to hand over your business successfully.
If you’re running a business with one or two ASINS, this might not be very much. But if you have 100+ variations that all sell at different rates, you’ll want to be able to provide as much detail as possible to a broker, buyer, or investor on key business areas, such as supply chain operations and customer service.
Figure out who you need in your corner
If you’ve never sold a business before, you’ll want to develop your own group of trusted advisors—people who have experience selling a business and people who will have your back. This might include a broker, an accountant, an attorney, or even a mentor with experience in the space. Having people you can count on before, during, and after the sale is invaluable.
Keep your business up and running
Don’t forget to keep operating your business at maximum effort until the deal is closed and you have cash in hand. Inventory issues or a lag in PPC investment can affect your business’s value.
Want to learn more about selling your business? Reach out to us!
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