The 80/20 of Ecommerce – May 7, 2021
India manufacturing is hurting from the recent Covid spikes
According to my personal anecdotal evidence, many businesses and manufacturers in India are hurting due to the recent Covid 19 spikes hitting the country of nearly 1.2 billion people.
One sourcing agent I spoke to this week told me that 70% of the manufacturers he works with in India are closed down. This means that it’s causing a ripple effect if you’re sourcing product from India in two ways.
First expect longer delivery times. Factories are focused on fulfilling orders they already have on hand rather than looking to take on new orders which they may not be able to handle due to lack of manpower and raw materials.
Second – you may expect higher prices. For example certain metals such as copper have seen raw materials price double in the recent months. Besides the global spike in copper prices, another factor is the lack of industrial oxygen available to manufacturers who use this to treat the metal. Currently there is a lack of oxygen available to hospitals so all of the supply has been shifted towards medical needs.
When will things return to pre-Covid levels? It remains to be seen. Optimists have said that they expect things to get back on track in June or July. We will see.
Shopify rides online shopping wave to crush profit, revenue estimates
In ecommerce, Amazon may be king, but a rising tide lifts all boats.
Shopify which is a popular platform to create your own ecommerce website “emerged as a pandemic winner with revenue soaring 86% last year from 2019 and shares nearly doubling to make it Canada’s most valuable firm” according to U.S News and World Report.
Ygal Arounian said, “Shopify saw real strength again during the (1st) quarter, and with total volume growth on the platform accelerating from 4Q, it’s clear their role in the retail ecosystem continues to get stronger,”.
5 Game-Changing Opportunities with Amazon PPC with Ritu Java (Replay)
Many of you have told me that managing and running profitable Amazon PPC campaigns is your #1 challenge.
That’s why I invited Ritu Java who helps 6, 7, and 8 Figure Amazon sellers make more money by creating and optimizing their Amazon PPC Campaigns to give you a masterclass on the 5 Game-Changing Opportunities with Amazon PPC in 2021.
In this 63 min training you will learn:
[19:48] 2 Easiest PPC campaigns to run first [21:50] Biggest Mistake sellers make: less is better [23:38] Video ads have CTR 4x to 5x (2%) more than regular ad (0.5%) [28:47] How You can accelerate the algorithms association [29:38] When I launch a new product, which ad type should I run [30:36] Ritu’s PPC Launch recommendation w/ 20-30 campaigns [33:41] One of the Most important Data points: Unit session percentage – AKA Conversion Rate [37:24] Brand Analytics – data Amazon gives brands about all the KWs [38:30] Common mistake – put too many strings in searches [41:50] Do we stop PPC if there are enough Organic sales? [47:15] Do we target long-tail keywords or highly competitive main keywords? [49:35] How long to run auto campaigns for?If you’d like to learn more about PPC, Ritu will offer a LIVE 3 week PPC workshop on May 12, 19, and 26th hosted by yours truly.
- Live 3-Week PPC Workshop and Q&A Plus Replay with Ritu Java
- May 12, 19 and 26, 9PM EST (2 hours x 3 sessions)
- Deadline: Tues, May 11th, 11:59PM PST
You will learn:
Day 1: Campaign Fundamentals
Amazon ad types
Setting up an Auto campaign
Deep dive into match types – Broad, phrase, exact match
Bids and budgets – How much to bid and how to budget
Day 2: Campaign Management
Learn efficient ways of designing your campaigns
Setting up a manual campaign
Negative keywords
Fundamentals of Bid Management
Day 3: Troubleshooting the PPC Funnel
Key performance indicators for PPC
Ad type diversification:
- Product Targeting Ads
- Category Targeting Ads
- Sponsored Brands
- Sponsored Display
- Video in Search – Understand why this is currently the most effective ad type on Amazon
Join here: https://www.8020sourcing.com/ppc-workshop/
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