7 Figure Accelerator - Group Coaching Program

Understand and Optimize for Amazon’s new COSMO and Rufus algorithms… so you can stay profitable and gain an advantage over bigger sellers in your category

Amazon search is undergoing a huge shift right now and it is already affecting you if you are selling on Amazon.com.

The old way was the search term and keyword based algorithm called A9 where you could essentially game the system by optimizing your listing for keywords.

Amazon has been doing this ever since the beginning 20 years ago when they started out as an online bookstore.

Amazon A9 would rank you based on a combination of factors including: reviews, sales history, keyword indexing, sales velocity, conversion rates, images, A+ content and other factors.

Image courtesy of SellerPlex

Image courtesy of SellerPlex

Now Amazon is facing strong rising competition from Temu, Shein, and Tiktok shops.

This means that new players have been eating away at Amazon’s market share in the US.

Amazon needs to do something to shake things up.

Enter COSMO, Amazon’s new AI based search algorithm and RUFUS, Amazon new AI powered search.

Earlier this year, Amazon has rolled out RUFUS to 10% of the US Amazon shoppers recently and it had spectacular results according to a recent Amazon’ white paper:

    * Generated 0.7% increase in sales (Hundreds of millions of increased revenue)
    * 8% increase in navigation engagement rate - Improved customer interaction and satisfaction

 According to a white paper released recently by Amazon, Cosmo and RUFUS’s early tests represent "a tremendous opportunity: by extending the adaptation of COSMO-LM to encompass all traffic for navigation we anticipate the potential to generate a revenue increase in the billions.

In fact, Rufus is already available to all Amazon shoppers right N-O-W. 

If you’d like to be one of the first few to master Amazon COSMO and RUFUS, and be an early adopter, then I have a coaching program for you to work with me to

  • Understand the New SEO rules, how widespread RUFUS and COSMO are right now, and how the landscape is changing 
  • Concrete steps for optimizing listings and A+ content for Cosmo and Rufus
  • Adapt to Rufus and COSMO AI algorithms to stay ahead of the curve
  • How to manipulate Rufus and Cosmo to your advantage and make sure Amazon suggests your products
  • How to optimize listings and setup marketing descriptions to make the best use of AI search algorithms
  • Ranking with new Amazon’s Rufus AI and COSMO search algorithm
  • Leverage AI powered search results to increase sales volume for your niche products
  • How to efficiently and economically gain an advantage over bigger sellers in my category.
  • Utilize AI to sell more on Amazon with less time

And in this group coaching program, beyond RUFUS and COSMO you will also learn:

  • How do I find a profitable product away from the crowds?
  • How do I find a trustworthy supplier for my Amazon FBA product?
  • How do I launch on Amazon FBA?
  • How can I create 2 products on amazon earning at least $10k per month?
  • How can I successfully launch my first product and make sales in 2024
  • Where can I find a suitable product or range of products to launch on Amazon?
  • Learning how to be profitable with the New Amazon Fees and Rising fees
  • How do you compete with the China manufacturers coming onto Amazon pushing prices down and amazon fees increasing

The good news is those questions can have relatively simple answers if you get the right help.

What most people will do to adapt to RUFUS and Cosmo…

  • Nothing - because they simply don’t know what to do. Or they are in denial of the upcoming COSMO/RUFUS AI Changes.
  • Or they may try to do it themselves and make mistakes which will cost them in their Amazon’s products ranking and money
  • Some will learn through trial and error to do it the right way - but we know that takes a lot of time and sifting through endless youtube videos and gurus
  • Wait and get hit by Cosmo and Rufus and get their listings not mentioned in Rufus at all and take a sales hit.

But there’s a better way

You can:

  • Learn from me and other Amazon and Ecommerce experts how to do understand and adapt your Amazon listings COSMO and RUFUS
  • Spend time testing and optimizing your listings so you can quickly gain more sales and profits with RUFUS and COSMO
  • Focus on things that work so you can regain your sales and market share 

Because after a few months it’s going to be too late and you may have burned through all your cash flow.

Besides this, in my 19 years of experience in ecommerce I’ve seen a lot of people hit the wall with the same types of problems.

It’s like a broken record and I almost feel like tearing my hair out after hearing the same thing so many times.

Like getting stuck in the product selection phase.

Some people get lost in a flood of numbers. What looks like a great product opportunity one week becomes flooded with competitors the next week.

Or they get stuck with analysis paralysis as they are trying to get all their ducks in a row.

They aren’t able to pull the trigger. 6 months and 9 months go by and they still haven’t taken action.

Others rely on the same research tools as everyone else and if you start out at the same place as everyone else, you end up at the same place as everyone else.

So what looks like a “good opportunity” now according to your research tool, ends up being a flooded niche with hundreds of people selling the same me-too product 3-4 months down the line.

It’s like following the lemmings who are all starting from the same place and ending up at the same place walking off a cliff to selling a me-too product in a saturated niche!

PROFITABILITY - many sellers are now losing their pants with the new Amazon Fees, increasing fees, and increased shipping and warehousing costs.

They are leaving money on the table in many parts of their business from the 

  • Product Sourcing
  • Packaging
  • Shipping
  • 3PL Storage Fees
  • Inventory Management
  • Listing optimization suffering low conversion rates
  • Bleeding PPC campaigns
  • Pricing
  • Product Reimbursements, and more

All of this means that even though the top line revenue looks good, the bottom line profit margin is very thin and you are not putting enough money in your pocket at the end of the day.

Others get stuck in “Alibaba Hell” and go through a lot of back and forth with dozens of suppliers and are not able to find a trustworthy one.

They end up playing email hockey and ending up not going anywhere on the search for a good supplier.

All of a sudden months pass and they still don’t have a product on the market which is bad because this ecommerce opportunity is passing them by.

Or they only contact ONE or TWO suppliers. The supplier never replies and the seller cries foul and gives up saying that this sourcing thing doesn’t work.

Others fumble their Amazon product launch.

They launch a product that’s another me-too product they haven’t differentiated.

So they are competing against hundreds of competitors selling the same product which leads to low sales, price wars, and next to no profit.

Or at the end it doesn’t sell and they end up losing money on Amazon long term storage fees, courses, software, etc.

As well as the hundreds as hours and thousands of dollars on their product order.

Or by the time they land it in Amazon’s FBA warehouse it isn’t profitable after all the fees.

I know that this is true for a lot of you.

Here’s why it happens

Scenario A….

They could be progressing a lot faster taking action and working with someone who’s done it before rather than spending $4,997 on a video course and being fed 17 hours of content.
Because instead of taking action, instead of implementing, they just spend time watching educational videos.
And when they get stuck on choosing a product, on which supplier to place a purchase order with, they have no one to reach out to so they get stuck in an infinite loop and don’t build a successful business.
On the other hand, Scenario B….

Other people spend countless hours clicking through endless Youtube videos and Facebook groups, and podcasts chasing after the latest shiny new object.
They end up spinning their wheels and not implementing what they learned to build their business.

It hurts me to see people getting stuck and going down the wrong path like the lemmings following the crowd.

By following someone who has already walked through the path, you could save a lot of time, money, and frustrations.

So I want to help and that’s why I created a program called the “7 Figure Accelerator Group Coaching Program”, a group coaching program to give you a clear roadmap to finding the right products, from the right suppliers, to start and launch a profitable Amazon business in 2024.
If you want to…

  • Get your Amazon business off the ground this year
  • Learn how to pick the right product away from the crowds
  • Fast-track your way to a successful launch and avoid mistakes that cost you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars
  • Get all the support you need to eventually scale your Amazon business to 6 figures and more
  • Know EXACTLY where to start, what to do and what not to do to start and launch your first product on Amazon as quickly as possible
  • Overcome procrastination and shiny new object syndrome so you can stop spinning your wheels and start selling

...then this is THE program to get you started (don’t take my word for it - see what my students say about the program further down this page).

How does 7 Fig Accelerator Work? 

This is a 6-month intensive group coaching program that will help you successfully launch your products to sell on Amazon in 2024.
Weekly Live Group Coaching Call

Every week, we’ll have a 60-minute live group coaching call where I’ll review your progress, answer your questions, help you get “unstuck”, and hold you accountable so you will successfully launch your Amazon business in 2024..
It will be a closed mastermind of 15-20 students, so you’ll have my personal attention and support with growing your business… and getting unstuck from your problems.

Live Case Study

In addition, I will be launching a new product alongside you LIVE as we do this program.

I will show you how I look for profitable product ideas, how to validate them, how to identify competitors' weaknesses and gaps in the market.

I’ll also show you how I will create an optimized listing for A9 and for COSMO and RUFUS so you can do it too.

I will be putting my money where my mouth is so you will be learning from my wins and my failures each week.
Weekly Challenge to move your business forward

Each week you will be assigned a challenge to move your business forward.

Before the call, you will be asked to complete a pre-call form with your questions and attach supporting documents via Google Docs before the call.
This way, I’ll be able to give you the best and most specific possible advice to solve your problems and move your business forward.
Students also have told me that this also helps keep them accountable to move their business forward every week.
Step by Step Process

In this program, we will cover a step-by-step process with the exact steps to find a profitable idea, source that product, ship it and launch it on amazon:

PHASE 1 CREATE: Product selection (Months 1-2)

  • Create a system to identify products that are DIFFERENT from the way popular research tools and what everyone else is selling
  • Leverage AI to help you identify more product ideas and keyword opportunities to pursue
  • COSMO / RUFUS Semantic Keyword and Scenario research - identify product opportunities and gaps in the market
  • Review and shortlist the products you choose and get a 2nd pair of eyes about which ones may have higher chances of success, and which ones are more difficult
  • Review of your business process - to find ways to make things more efficient
  • PULL the trigger on the products to launch
  • Review potential profit margins, lab test certifications, and other factors that will affect your decision making
  • Open Amazon Seller Central Account
  • File for Trademark and Brand Registry
  • Open LLC or Setup a Company (recommended)
  • Get Insurance
  • Answer anything you are not sure about along the way

By the end of PHASE 1, you’ll have a product selected, know how to differentiate this product, and start finding a trustworthy supplier to manufacture it.
PHASE 2 BUILD: Product Development, Sourcing, and Shipping (Months 2-3)

  • Break down the costs and fees so you can have a better idea of your product margins. This way you can negotiate with more confidence
  • Get a walkthrough how to find and negotiate with suppliers in China, India, Mexico, Vietnam, and around the world
  • Identify ways to quickly add SKUs for product bundles and accessories
  • Craft the perfect Request for Quotation (RFQ) to streamline communications with suppliers so you're not asking redundant questions
  • Shortlist 4-5 suppliers after contact and review
  • Order Samples
  • Optimize packaging to cut costs on shipping, storage, and Amazon fees
  • Place Purchase Order
  • Negotiate to get lower prices, terms, MOQ, packaging, storage, and more
  • Calculate Shipping Cost and Arrange Shipment with Freight Forwarder (At least 4 weeks prior to delivery date) Get logistics freight forwarding advice to find the right way to ship your product from the factory to the Amazon fulfillment center
  • Identify 3rd party logistics warehouses to deal with Amazon inventory restrictions
  • Create creative assets
  • Create Amazon Listing
  • Conduct Quality Control
  • Keyword Research
  • Decide on 20-40 Search Terms based on relevancy
  • Finalize Listing
  • Finalize Images and Video 

By the end of PHASE 2, you’ll find a trustworthy supplier to make the right product, at the right quality, and the right price, and deliver it at the right time so you can prepare launch it on Amazon.
PHASE 3 Launch and Sell (Months 3-4)

  • Amazon Product Listing Optimization Strategies including SEO, Keyword selection, Product images that convert and more
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Learn ways to get more reviews without getting suspended
  • Amazon Launch Strategies that are working in 2024
  • PPC Advertising campaign optimization to run profitable campaigns
  • Track Sales
  • Insights on what red flags to look for and rookie mistakes so you don't waste time/money

By the end of PHASE 3 you will have launched your first product on Amazon and ready to repeat the process with the next product.
PHASE 4: SCALE (Months 5-6)

  • Apply 5 Levers to grow your business
  • Optimize PPC Campaigns
  • Launch additional Products
  • Leverage Social Media to grow sales and an audience
  • Consider expansion to different Amazon marketplaces - Canada, Mexico, EU, Japan, etc.
  • Expansion to other sales platforms (Tiktok Shop, Walmart, Etsy, Wholesale, etc)

BONUS: Access to my personal Rolodex of trusted contacts, contractors and companies

When I first started with my ecommerce business, I had no idea who to turn to.

  • How can I find a sourcing agent that I trust?
  • Can I even trust this quality control company from China? How do I screen them?
  • How can I find a packaging company that can create an Apple quality package for my product?
  • Which freight forwarder should I use that is familiar with the whole Amazon FBA process and requirements? 

It took me YEARS of trial and error and making some painful and EXPENSIVE mistakes to find the right suppliers and partners that I could trust and rely on - so I could spend more of my time GROWING my business rather than interviewing potential sourcing agents, quality control agents, freight forwarders, and more.
By joining 7 Figure Seller Group Coaching Program, I’ll save you all of that hard work and time.

I’ll give you access to the contacts in my private Rolodex, that I only share with my coaching students:

  • China and India Sourcing agents - to help you find suppliers that you cannot find. Also to help consolidate samples to ship you in a single shipment to save you money. And with great communication skills to save you from getting stuck in Alibaba HELL. One of these sourcing agents was a “secret weapon” that helped my students scale quickly to 7 Figures
  • Freight forwarders that are familiar with the whole FBA process so they don’t mess up your shipment and cause expensive delays.
  • Quality Control and Inspection Agency to be your eyes and ears on the ground at the factory to catch any problems before they leave the factory floor.
  • Packaging supplier to make Apple quality packaging that will create a 5 star unboxing experience for your products and help you sell at a higher price.
  • PPC Experts to help you set up your PPC campaigns so that they are profitable and optimized from the start. 
  • Product Photographers - to take photos of your product on the ground in China or India so you can save time and money rather than shipping it to yourself.
  • Stock photography Company that lets you create lifestyle photos at a fraction of the cost of hiring expensive models and renting out a set
  • Split testing companies to help you decide on the right product designs, color variations, packaging designs, and product and lifestyle images that will generate the highest conversions on Amazon.
  • Amazon Product Listing and EBC agency - to create professional listings that convert
  • 3D Rendering company to create 3D renders of your products to sell
  • Virtual Assistant agency to quickly onboard trained VAs to help you manage your Amazon business, create social media campaigns, create images and video content, so you can focus on working on your business not in your business
  • Pricing tools to help maximize your profitability
  • And more

This way, with my private network of contacts I’ll remove the guesswork, and you'll be able to set up your business in months, not years.

“DOES 7 Fig Accelerator ACTUALLY WORK?”

Here are some of the results from my coaching students:

Alan V: “We actually sold our business last year”

“We’re now doing 6 figures and built a small team!”

“Last year was a challenge but we managed to pull through. We’re now doing 6 figures and built a small team, much thanks to the value you provided in your coaching program and 7 Figure Seller Summit.”

*UPDATED July 2024*

“We actually sold our business last year. My dad’s now retired and I’m working on a [new] venture-funded business…

Applying a lot of my learnings from my e-commerce days to this new business.”

Matt and Sharon S.: “Products are going well and averaging $100k a month”
“When we reached out to you we were overwhelmed. Not sure where we were heading. Once we reached out and with your experience... It gave us that direction we needed”

Elfrida A. “When I started the whole process, I was totally lost… I didn't know where to start. Thanks to the program, I am launching my first product.

At the beginning I was hesitant to do it. I thought it was going to be one of those courses where I was going to spend my money and I wasn’t going to learn anything.

I didn’t know where to start and thanks to this program and Gary’s help and guidance I was able to understand how to find a product. Make it unique.
Doing this accelerator program helped me see things from a different perspective. Thanks to the program, I am launching my first product.

I love the whole experience. Sometimes going to the process of becoming an e-commerce seller can be overwhelming but taking this accelerated program helped me to see that you are not alone.
There are other people going through the same experience. You get to interact with other people that are going through the same process as yourself. With those interactions and Gary’s guidance, I was able to learn effectively.

I really recommend the program to anybody that really wants to learn the right way. Anybody that wants to succeed and learn the right way. Why? It’s totally worth it. Gary really wants to see people grow by sharing his knowledge and experience. He really gives you the tools to grow.

Cherry M: “I got a lot of help just from listening to other people”

“I really liked how personalized it was, and that you went through everybody's specific problems in it, each stage. They were at, I got a lot of help just from listening to other people whether they were a bit more advanced than I was or a lot more advanced. It was good. It was really good.”

Travis: “you definitely went above and beyond to provide extra content!”

“I definitely learned a lot. And I, I liked hearing other people's stories, sort of learning collectively to see where other people were succeeding getting hung up and what they did to get around those hang ups. So much of being an entrepreneur is finding a way through, because there's always barriers.

I think everybody got a lot out of it, Gary, and thank you very much, you definitely went above and beyond to provide extra content.

I definitely liked all the bonuses. I think also what went well, for me was, I keep coming back to the roadmap. I love that you've sort of helped outline the process for people on getting a product selected, landed and listed. And there are so many parts of this where everyone's on their own journey. So there can't be an exact roadmap, but what can be roadmaps you did for us? And that's very helpful.

Chinedu O: “Definitely what went well was the accountability”

“when it's every week, you're sending us the email reminder. So I think everyone is different anyway. But it's that constant reminder.

Yes, I need to be working on this because I have the call coming up… So you can't really make that information up.

Because two things are going to happen is either you're going to start making it up, and then eventually, it's going to catch up to you.

So you can't really make anything else because it's going to be LIVE, because you will show that you're not doing anything, or you're just not going to have any questions. So that obviously means that you may not be doing the work. And at the end of the day, it's really up to you.

Brian V “we found out that we would have lost a lot of money if we didn't have your coaching. So that alone is worth the money that we spent”
“Your coaching is very valuable to us that we found out that without your coaching, we would have made a lot of mistakes.

And I just bring up here one example that saved us thousands of dollars. There was a time when we found our first product and we were very much excited about that product and we let the emotion control us. We almost got into that scam. The supplier sent us very good samples and we almost got and committed to an MOQ of 5000 units. And then the coaching that you gave us helped us to recognize the red flags so we picked on those. And we found out that hey, this supplier is very suspicious because this and this and this and we found out that the name is not matching with the address that we receive.

And other red flags too... that's why we avoided that and after that, we stepped back and looked and we found out that we would have lost a lot of money if we didn't have your coaching. So that alone is worth the money that we spent for the coaching from you.”
Here’s what some of you have said why you want to work with me specifically:

  • “I have been following you for a long time and I appreciate your consistency, experience, knowledge and sense of support you demonstrate in your communication via how you host webinars and share information.”

  • "To be honest - there are tons and tons of 'gurus' out there who claim they can bring people to certain results without doing much work but is absolute garbage and it turned me off when people make a bogus claim. For me, the reason I wanna work with you is that you have tons of experiences in FBA and you're able to invite so many experts to speak at the 7-figure seller summit. Personally, I think that's a big feat and you came across as someone who genuinely wanna help people with achieving their business goals. "

  • “I've been on the sidelines with FBA for over 3 years. I've paid for various subscriptions, listened to a few podcasts, watched various YT videos...ultimately I get scared with sourcing products. I feel overwhelmed - especially when manufacturers are looking for product specifications like measurements, colors, sizes. Ultimately, I got caught up in paralysis by analysis.”

  • “I have been watching so many youtube videos to learn, but I feel lonely doing it myself. I don't necessarily need a course but I do need a coach who I can go to, so I don't waste time during my process. Your program offers what I want. And, the pricing is something I can afford.”

  • “Private Rolodex of contacts for reliable suppliers”

  • “The ability to meet real people striving for the same goal within a short timeframe helped me to make the decision. I need guidance from like minded people on this.”

  • “I have basic info from [a course], but have quickly realized that I need personalized assistance to build my business, rather than stumbling along on my own.

  • “That even if I am not successful with Amazon, I would be able to use these skills for future businesses and developing products for other platforms.”

When does the program begin?

The Accelerator Program will begin Mon Aug 12th at 9pm EST (New York).
Calls will take place every Monday at 9pm EST.

I may open up a second time slot for people in the EU if there’s enough demand. Please email me at gary.huang[at]gmail.com if you are interested. 

Is this program right for you? It is if you are:

  • Want to better understand and optimize your listings for Amazon COSMO and RUFUS to gain an advantage over your competitors
  • Want to increase your profits in your business
  • Had prior Amazon launches that were not the results you wanted and want to get that one product profitable and scale it
  • Getting started with your Amazon FBA business - first time doing this and unsure about everything
  • Deciding on a product… and ultimately getting started and moving past the researching phase!
  • Finding a trustworthy supplier to manufacture your product
  • Ready to take action, be accountable for it, and pull the trigger on launching your product on Amazon in 2024

This program IS NOT right for you if you are:

  • Looking for a “Get rich quick scheme”
  • Don’t have at least $5k-10k of capital to invest in your business
  • Are not able to attend the Mon 9pm EST weekly calls
  • Not going to take action (this is not a TV show for entertainment, it’s an accelerator to help you grow your business every week)

Cost: $599/month for the accelerator program. It will be a 6-month program to start since that is the typical time it takes to complete the first product launch cycle and grow your brand.

Payment options:  

Deadline: Sun 8/4/24 at 11:59pm PST  


Q: How long will it last? 

A: This is a 6 month Accelerator program with an option to extend to one year.

Q: Is 1 hour enough time to get answers to various questions?

A: I always make sure everyone gets enough time as long as they pre-submit their questions. Sometimes we consolidate similar questions. So for example, if Jackie had a question similar to Windy we would combine those questions and answer both at the same time and then get some feedback from you. It's worked well for past students.

This one hour will be your GOLDEN HOUR of the week for your business. You will get your questions answered. You will get unstuck.

You will learn the Mindset of an Entrepreneur how to view problems and come up with solutions.
You will learn from questions asked by other students.

Sometimes we may go over the time limit and my students say I always go above and beyond for them. I always do my best to get to everybody to help as much as I can. 

Q: What about product research refining?

A: I'll teach you 11 ways to find profitable product ideas away from the crowds. You will generate a list of products with at least 50 ideas by the end of week 1.

And then we're going to hold you accountable to that and then the second week we're going to come back we're going to help you refine that list. We're going to look for the “3 Yes” products. We're going to look at what's what are the high potential products that are the low hanging fruit. Which ones are higher up? That would be more difficult.

We will help you with your research to discover the modifications that customers want to help you differentiate your product and create a listing that converts.

Q: Within the Accelerator program if I have questions to ask you in between the weekly calls am I able to email you and get an answer to my question outside of the scheduled weekly calls? I certainly would never abuse this and bombard you, but something may come up that I need an answer specifically to so that I can make progress or achieve clarification on an issue so that I can move forward.

A: Because of the group nature of the accelerator program, I ask that you consolidate your questions for the weekly calls so you can get them answered then.
However, if there is an URGENT question then yes I'm happy to answer it over email in between the calls. 

Q: It seems the only forum to discuss product ideas would be within the group of 20. Am I correct or is there another way of examining product ideas? And if so what is to stop someone else from copying your product idea?

A: While the degree of sharing is up to you... I will ask everyone that joins to agree to a confidentiality agreement as well as not to steal anyone else's idea.
Also if you feel not comfortable sharing the idea to the group, you may share with me in the pre-call form and speak in generalities on the call and we can review it without going into specifics. 

Q: Is this suitable for a total beginner?

A: Yes, this is for you if you are just starting out, because you're coming in with a blank slate. We will guide you through the entire roadmap to launch a profitable product on Amazon FBA. So you'll learn a system to come up with product ideas on your own.
You will also learn to develop the Mindset of an Entrepreneur. And to think like an entrepreneur to solve problems so you can be independent and resourceful when faced with problems.

And move away from being fed with info and moving towards solving problems and creating solutions. 

Q: Can we talk a little more about startup costs? I can raise some funds, but how do I determine what I will need? Do you cover that?

A: I would budget at least $5k. Depending on the product details, the costs can vary widely. For example in terms of a plastic mold - this could escalate the cost significantly and if we worked together we would discuss ways to build a minimum viable product to keep the cost manageable from the start and to reduce your risks.

Q: Do you help refer me to resources/outsourcing for what I do not know how to do yet? (Marketing, SEO, PPC/Amazon, etc.)

A: Yes I will be happy to offer resources and contacts for Sourcing, Quality Control, Freight forwarding, PPC, etc.

In fact I will even invite guest mentors in bonus trainings on top of our weekly calls.