AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Day Challenge

Brought to you by 7 Figure Seller Summit

Learn the little known “AI FLOWS” that Amazon Sellers and Ecommerce Sellers” are using right now to grow sales, save time, and maximize profits

Join the FIRST EVER ‘AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Day Challenge’ today…

  • Grow and scale your ecom business using ChatGPT, Bing AI, Midjourney, and more of the latest AI technologies
  • Save upto 15 hours a week and get more done (with less effort) leveraging AI FLOWS
  • Increase your profits use little known AI powered strategies to use to reduce your COGS, cut your costs, and boost your bottom line.
  • More than just prompts – you will learn How to Actually Talk to an AI to get the results you want.
  • Daily Reminders – to keep you accountable during the challenge
  • 3 Free Bonuses ($149 value)
    • ’10 Commandments of AI’
    • '7 Deadly Sins of AI’
    • ‘Ultimate Guide to Negotiating with your Supplier’

What is the AI for Amazon Sellers Challenge? 

A 28 Day sprint to learn how to use AI FLOWS effectively in your Amazon and Ecom business to:

1) Grow their businesses

2) Save time

3) Increase their profits

Here’s how it works

  • Each day you will receive an email with a single AI strategy designed to grow your business.
  • You will learn how to use “AI FLOWS” to maximize the results that AI will spit out… and avoid Hallucinations and crap copy that is irrelevant to your business 
  • In the daily email you will receive a specific assignment to implement this into your business using AI   

Tools you will need:

  • A computer and internet connection
  • ChatGPT and or Bing AI

You should be running an Amazon or Ecommerce business with the basic know-how of how to do keyword research and Amazon SEO. 

By the end of the end of the challenge you will…

  • Understand how AI can be used to optimize Amazon listings and drive more traffic to their products. 
  • Smoothly use AI to Save time so you can focus on the things that move the needle in your business 
  • Increase your product listing conversion rates with the AI optimized copy
  • Overcome Analysis Paralysis to get more stuff done. 
  • Cut your product costs via negotiations with your supplier 
  • Optimize your packaging and cut your shipping costs 
  • Effortlessly use AI tools to Create a marketing emails, social media, and blog posts 
  • And much more
  • Techniques to improve product ranking, including keyword optimization, image optimization, and product description optimization.

AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Day Challenge


AI and Chat-GPT is a once in a generation SHIFT – will you PIVOT to ride the AI wave or will you be left behind?

Every generation, a groundbreaking innovation comes along that completely changes the game, like the invention of the web browser, the computer, or even fire.

During the ’90s, massive companies such as Yahoo, Myspace, and Nokia failed to adapt to the digital revolution and slowly faded into obscurity, while others like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon became industry giants.

Wharton Business School Professor Ethan Mollick describes our current situation perfectly:

“At this point, it’s the most uncertain time… we’ve ever lived through in terms of technology (with the rise of AI).”

In just a few short years, we’ve witnessed not one but TWO monumental opportunities in ecommerce:

1) 2020-2021: Covid accelerated ecommerce growth by 30% yearly and many brands skyrocketed on this opportunity to new levels.

2) NOW – Rapid growth opportunities using generative AI tools like ChatGPT.

Many sellers have started harnessing the power of AI in their ecommerce businesses and are already reaping the benefits.

Here are some examples

SALES: 7 Figure Seller and serial entrepreneur Chad Rubin increased the conversion rate on one of his Amazon SKUs by 20% using ChatGPT to generate catchy headlines for an infographic promoting his vacuum cleaner hose. The result?

“Dirt Destroying Air Flow” was the winning headline generated by AI which boosted conversion rate from 26% to 46% over eight weeks.

COPYWRITING: Creating Amazon listings in seconds – “It does it with the tone you suggest, and it does it in seconds,” Hamza Amor said. “That’s the part that was mind-blowing.”

If you’ve been putting off optimizing your listings, AI can help you optimize them with the right keyword to boost your ranking up to the top of the Amazon sales page.

Not only that it can help you create blog posts, email sequences, customer service replies, warn hijackers off your listings, help you deal with Seller Central support cases, and even help generate social media posts in seconds.

It’s literally like you are working together with a powerful robot assistant to amplify your results.

Now assisted by AI, one person can do the work of many…

“Human-Machine Hybrid” work is now a real possibility

Besides AI getting smarter, we are seeing massive increases in quality and speed.

According to a recent study AI has surpassed human intelligence in the following test scores

* Language Understanding
* Reading Comprehension
* Speech Recognition
* Handwriting recognition

What does this mean?

According to a Harvard Business Review article:

“The businesses that understand the significance of this change — and act on it first — will be at a considerable advantage.” – Harvard Business Review

THIS IS A HUGE OPPORTUNITY for sellers to take a GIANT STEP ahead in their ecommerce business.

But at the same time there is a…Hidden Secret…

Why ChatGPT & AI Might Not Be Working for You

Did you know when I first tried ChatGPT, I wasn’t impressed.

I thought it was all about having the right prompts.

So, I bought an “Ultimate Prompt List” and gave it a shot.

But the listing copy was just… meh.

B- level, at best.

It wasn’t finding the right keywords for me…

I thought – is that all there is to ChatGPT? All hype?

Then I did some research.

Turns out, 99% of people use ChatGPT the wrong way.

Most believe using the right prompt gets the right answer.

Not true.

There are many cons to ChatGPT

AI is prone to hallucinations.

You can’t take it AS IS. You have to fact-check everything.

ChatGPT’s knowledge? Stuck in 2021.

It’s clueless about current trends and what’s happening right now.

If you have a product listing that is NEW and created after 2021, ChatGPT will know nothing about it.

And there’s a big risk that many people are now aware of.

Sharing confidential info with AI is a no-go.

OpenAI uses your data for training.

Your “secret sauce” could be exposed.

Amazon? They forbid employees from using ChatGPT.

JP Morgan Chase? Same deal (though some might sneak it on their phones).

So I dove deep. 100+ hours of research, experimentation, and conversations with tech-savvy friends like the ones at Google.

And I finally cracked the code.

I learned how to use AI to:

Grow and Scale my Ecom business
Save time from mundane work
Increase profits in my business
AI helped me de-bottleneck my business and move forward.

Don’t be fooled – It’s not about Prompts – it’s about FLOWS

The key to unlocking the full potential of AI and ChatGPT isn’t just about prompts. That’s barely scratching the surface.

The real magic comes from creating the right AI FLOWS.

It’s all about guiding the AI through back-and-forth conversations to get the results you want.

And I’ve developed this 28-Day Challenge to help you master just that.

Here’s a “Sneak Peek” of what you’ll do in the AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Day Challenge

  • Use AI to QUICKLY Optimize your listings and create new ones while boosting conversion rates up to 20%
  • Weave the right Keywords throughout your listings to boost your Amazon SEO and Rank
  • Product Images – leverage AI to generate an endless supply of amazing product and lifestyle images
  • Product Development – Discover new product opportunities for bundles, new SKUs, and cross-selling to  increase your Lifetime Value of your customers
  • Competitor Analysis – Pinpoint the biggest weaknesses of your competitors and gaps in the market so you attack and dominate
  • Product Insert Card Offers – to get more reviews (TOS compliant), build an audience, and sell more
  • Quickly Brainstorm Dozens of Brand names that are memorable and standout
  • Identify your Customer Avatar so you know exactly what products you should develop that they will buy and how to market to them
  • Write blog posts to create content related to your product to increase your organic SEO
  • Quickly repurpose them to create social media content on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Twitter, and more
  • Create Youtube scripts for product videos
  • Find top influencers in your niche that are willing to promote your product in seconds
  • Create outreach emails or messages to influencers to persuade them to WANT to work with you
  • Effortlessly respond to Customer Service complaints while delivering a 5 star experience 
  • Translate info to different languages
  • Brainstorm new Product Designs to outpace your competition, deliver more value to your customers, and 
  • Discover all the ways that people use your product so you can identify more keywords and ways to market it
  • Write negotiation letters to lowerer product costs, request better payment terms, packaging, and more
  • PRACTICE NEGOTIATION SCENARIOS with AI so you feel more comfortable doing the real thing
  • Get Hijackers off your listings by using GPT to write a letter to Amazon Seller Support
  • Generate HTML Code, Excel formulas, and more without having to know how to code
  • Get ideas to optimize product packaging to reduce the size, lower shipping costs, and COGS
  • Discover hidden ways to use different materials in your products to lower product costs
  • Scale your business from 100k to $1million +
  • Think outside the box to find strategies to raise profit margins by 5-10%
  • And much more is being added by the day…

This is for you if…

  • You are an ACTION TAKER
  • You are a 6, 7, or 8 Figure Amazon seller who wants to grow their business
  • You are starting up your Amazon or ecom business within the next 28 days. 
  • You want an UNFAIR advantage using AI that your competitors don’t know about yet
  • You want to spend less time on the mundane tasks of your ecommerce business and more time on the tasks that MOVE THE NEEDLE by leveraging AI
  • You have an open mind to learn and sometimes “Hit the wall”. When that happens you will agree to dust yourself off and try it again a different way. 
  • DON’T want to waste time sifting through hours of youtube videos, endless TikToks, and Facebook groups looking for the latest AI hacks – you will get all of them in 28 days

This is NOT for you if..

  • If you only consume the content every day of the challenge but not take any action.  
  • That’s entirely up to you but.. Nothing will change in your business.  
  • If that’s what you will do, then this challenge is NOT for you.  
  • You don’t have access to ChatGPT
  • You don’t plan to run an e-commerce business. 
  • You don’t have time to read the daily training email and do the homework (15-20 min per day) 

Only  $128  $29

AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Day Challenge



What is the AI for Amazon Sellers Challenge?

A 28 Day sprint to learn how to use AI FLOWS effectively in your Amazon and Ecom business to:

* Grow their businesses
* Save time
*Increase their profits 

How does the AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Days Challenge Work?

* Each day you will receive an email with a single AI strategy designed to grow your business.
* You will learn how to use “AI FLOWS” to maximize the results that AI will spit out… and avoid Hallucinations and crap copy that is irrelevant to your business
*In the daily email you will receive a specific assignment to implement this into your business using AI

Are there any requirements for me to join, should I have prior experience in AI?

* No experience required, whether you’re just starting or no prior knowledge in AI, we will help you out every step of the way
* All you need is a computer and internet connection
* ChatGPT and or Bing AI

I'm a bit unsure about the timing of the event. Will it be pre-recorded for on-demand viewing?

* The event will not be conducted via Zoom, webinar, or pre-recorded sessions.
* Participants will receive a daily email containing AI strategies designed to help grow your business.
* Participants can learn at their own pace, work on their homework, and implement strategies on their own.

I tried signing up but missed the deadline, can I still purchase this?

* If you were unable to sign up before the deadline last May 14th at 11:59 PM PST, you can sign up on our waitlist. By doing so, you will be given priority and will be the first person that we will contact when we decide to relaunch this program.

What if I’m not satisfied with the AI for Amazon Sellers - 28 Days Challenge?

* If you are not satisfied with the program, please notify us at within 30 days of purchase and get your money back.
* Please just review and actually try to use the content in practice. We are happy to help and answer any questions you may have. 

About Gary Huang: The Creator of the AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Day Challenge

Meet Gary Huang, the creator of the AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Day Challenge and the founder of the 7 Figure Seller Summit. Gary's journey in the ecommerce world began in 2005, when he launched his first private label brand selling women’s shoes on eBay. Since then, he has steadily grown a portfolio of ecommerce brands on platforms like Amazon and Shopify, serving customers in marketplaces across the globe.

But Gary's experience isn't limited to just ecommerce. With a decade of corporate experience under his belt, he has managed supply chains in Shanghai, China, overseeing multimillion-dollar sourcing campaigns. This broad range of knowledge has provided him with a unique perspective on the ecommerce industry, which he now shares with others through his various initiatives.

He is a highly regarded figure in the ecommerce space, with his strategic insights and innovative approaches widely recognized in prominent media outlets including Forbes, NPR, and Bloomberg.

Recently Gary’s fascination with AI came from a simple observation: AI was changing everything, everywhere, all at once.  This impact is affecting everything from education, politics, the arts, to ecommerce businesses.  

This led him to spend hundreds of hours testing AI applications in his own business and interviewing other successful Amazon sellers and ecommerce experts at the AI and ChatGPT Summit for Amazon sellers.

His aim was to find out how AI could be used to grow ecommerce businesses, save time, and increase profitability. The insights he gained have played a crucial role in shaping the AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Day Challenge.

Outside of his own ventures, Gary has shared his expertise on platforms like the Helium 10 podcast, Jungle Scout's Million Dollar Case Study,, and the Global Sources Summit. His understanding of global trade was even acknowledged when he served as the Chair of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai's Supply Chain Committee, briefing White House Congressional officials on US-China trade and supply chain strategies.

Despite a career that has taken him around the world, from his native Los Angeles to Shanghai and now Japan, Gary remains down-to-earth, focusing on his role as a husband and father. His experiences, both personal and professional, inform his approach to business and the advice he shares through the 28 Day Challenge.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Try it at NO RISK to you. You can take the entire challenge and if you show me that you did the work and did not get at least 10x ROI I will give you your money back! I’m so confident this will work for your business that I’m putting my money where my mouth is.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Just $1 a day to grow your Amazon business using AI.

If you were to hire a consultant to walk you through 28 ways to grow your Amazon business, save time and increase profits, you would easily have to spend over $1,000.

I believe that AI is the next big thing in our industry and I created this challenge at an affordable price so I didn’t want MONEY to be an obstacle.

But at the same time, it’s important that you have some skin in the game. Studies have shown that people are drastically more likely to follow through on a task if they have shown a commitment towards it. Especially if money is at stake.

AI for Amazon Sellers 28 Day Challenge