Don Henig – Growing your business through a slowing economy - A new paradigm in growth funding
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Don Henig was born in Brooklyn, NY and started quenching his entrepreneurial thirst at the ripe age of 11 as the #1 newspaper salesman on Long Island. He took out his first bank loan @ 12. Don has built successful companies in various industries from finance, publishing, mortgage, real estate, entertainment and now he has developed a unique way to provide capital to Amazon Sellers to grow their businesses faster and larger than any alternative. It’s so unique, people say: “It sounds too good to be true”, but it’s 100% real! Don reversed the risk of financing for the Seller and does not require any interest, fees, term or even monthly payments. In fact, AccrueMe only makes money when you make money, which also makes AccrueMe the safest source of growth funds anywhere. Don says that when you think logically it makes no sense to take money out of your business each month and send it to a lender – that stunts your growth. It’s better to pay when growth opportunities are limited or when you have plenty of cash on-hand. It seems that every economic downturn creates new models never before seen and AccrueMe is definitely one of those game-changing models! Don came out of retirement to create and build AccrueMe!
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