All posts by sevenfiguresel

The 80/20 of Ecom – Mar 29, 2024

Hi Everyone,

7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind is only 10 days away

We’ve added some amazing new speakers including

  • A Japanese 7 figure seller and ex-Amazon Japan employee who will share the roadmap how foreign brands succeed in Japan
  • A marketing and social media expert who teaches he how uses Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, and Line to win on Amazon Japan over competition from Chinese sellers. 

This guy generates 30 million yen in sales from a 1 million yen investment in Japanese youtube influencers

And you’ll get a hands-on working session where you will get an over the shoulder view from Japan experts who can personally coach you on how to sell your brand in Japan.  

Also we will have mastermind opportunities with Brandon Young, Tim Jordan, Ritu Java, Kevin King, and a number of others.  

And you will get to visit Japanese stores to get hands on with Japanese type products, packaging, advertisements and get a guided tour of the shops.

We still have a few tickets available for this mastermind in Okinawa from Apr 8-10

The Ecom Wars continue: Amazon vs Temu

The new kid on the block is Temu, a Chinese ecommerce platform that has seen sales skyrocket recently from shoppers in the US, Japan, and all over the world.

According to the Wall Street Journal: 

  • Temu gained +51.4 million users between Sept 2022 and Jan 2024
  • Amazon lost -2.6 million users during the same time. 

Before you make any big conclusions such as Amazon is dying, there are important differences between the types of products sold on Temu and customers who shop on TEmu.  

Instead of fast and free delivery from Amazon prime you may have to wait weeks for products to from China.

But prices are insanely low because they are mostly being sold and shipped direct from the factories in China.

The customers who shop on Temu look different from Amazon shoppers in my view.

Temu shoppers are bargain hunters looking for cheap massage guns, hats, gloves, and clothes. 

Lately SHEIN and Temu are Chinese platforms that are chipping away at Amazon’s dominance in the US and Japan.

The bad news for sellers is that these platforms are geared towards Chinese sellers that are sourcing and shipping from China, though recently Temu is allegedly offering US sellers to begin using the platform.

Harvard business review writes “Where SHEIN has 6,000 tightly integrated producers, it appears Temu has 100,000, offering a wide range of goods at startlingly cheap prices, such as an electric cooking pot for $2.14, a retractable kitchen storage rack for $6.58, and a swimsuit for $6.18 with free shipping.” 

Overall however, it seems that the customers shopping on these bargain platforms are not necessarily the same ones shopping on Amazon.  Think dollar store type products.

Takeaway: Key an eye on Temu for capturing the low, value driven end of the market.  Temu while growing fast, is not going to take Amazon’s lunch (yet). 

Port of Baltimore halts vessel traffic after bridge collapse

My favorite coffee cup + Live Kickstarter Case study ($205k raised so far) 

Some of you may remember 7 Figure Seller Summit Alumni Speaker Vance Lee in a previous training on How I sold over $1.3mil in pre-orders BEFORE spending $1 on inventory” with Vance Lee.

Well i’m excited to have learned that recently Vance and his partners have just launched a new coffee cup on Kickstarter, the Avensi Wave.  They’ve raised over $205k already (blowing away their $10k goal).

This is an excellent live case study of how to do a 6 figure launch on Kickstarter.  Check out his training (if you haven’t already) and then see the real thing in action.

Oh yeah – these Avensi coffee cups are my favorite as well.  I had their previous generation cups and they definitely made sipping on my coffee like sipping on a fine glass of wine.
 And please help support Vance and the Avensi team with a pledge if you can!

In case you missed it: 

The Ultimate Japanification Strategy to Learn How to Sell Your Products in Japan 

The Classroom and the Real world

Hi Everyone,

When you try to sell in Japan, you have to understand that Japanese customers think differently from US and European customers.

The language is different – they use 3 different scripts of Japanese (plus English thrown in).

The package designs are different.

The product placements are different

The way the consumer thinks and shops is different.

The best way to learn how to localize and JAPANIFY your products is not on an online webinar but right there in the STORES in Japan.

And that’s exactly what you will experience at the 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind, where we’re going to take you on a guided tour of the BEST shopping center in Okinawa.  It has a cornucopia of shops

  • “The coolest store in Japan” with- stationary, arts and crafts, kids products, and more 
  • A local Japanese home furnishings store – great to get a feel how Japanese living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, etc are designed and what products in Japan look like
  • Toy stores with local toys as well as international brands that have “Japanified” their packaging
  • Pet shops – pay attention to the breeds of dogs and cats that are popular here – they even have cute pets in the shops so you can see
  • Baby product stores and even play areas to observe Japanese kids’ toys, accessories, clothes, 
  • Dozens of Japanese Clothing stores, Fashion, Apparel, hats, accessories – Even “kawaii” products!
  • Beauty
  • Supplements
  • Shoe stores
  • Japanese Sporting goods
  • Japanese Kitchen Supplies, knives and more
  • Japanese coffee supplies
  • The #1 Japan Outdoors and camping store
  • The most successful retail shop in Japan 
  • Electronics, phone accessories
  • And much more

In fact I just learned that some of these are the same retail stores that the sellers at the conference are selling in.  

They may even be able to help you get your product into the same stores (This is priceless).

Why should you come? 

The advantage of coming on our trip is that you will get a guided tour as you see these actual products in store for your specific niche. 

You aren’t being guided around by an inexperienced tour guide.  

You will be personally guided by 7 and 8 Figure Japan sellers and Japan selling experts to take you to the right shops, at the right place, and find and learn from the right products for your niche.

When you get there, the actual speakers will show you 

  • Why the products have this packaging
  • How it will compare to your competitors
  • Subtle things you need to pay attention to
  • The posters and advertising used in Japan and how they’re different from the US and EU.
  • Subtle things “stuck to products” that instantly builds trust for Japanese customers
  • Ways Japanese brands are leveraging social media to attract Japanese customers

And the best part is they will show you how to do the same things for your products.

This will help you avoid mistakes and potentially offend Japanese customers as you localize your listings in Japan with your online images, titles, product description, packaging, and more. 

Literally this is a real world masterclass for how to sell into Japan.  

If you sell toys, we will take you to the Japanese toy store

If you sell baby products we will take you to the baby store

We will have experts behind you looking over your shoulder. 

  • What you need to pay attention to
  • What you should take photos of
  • And answer any questions you have along the way

The best part is that this is only one part of the 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind.

We have a lot of amazing things going on at the 7FSJM2 here’s the complete schedule (subject to change).

Day Zero: Sunday, April 7th – Pre-Event Networking

  • Daytime- 
    • Hangout at the Hilton Pool Beach Club (for early arrivals)
    • Meet and greet, talk shop, go around the island, Visit the world famous Churaumi Aquarium, watersports, fishing, networking, etc.
  • 17:00 – 19:00 Pre-Event Networking Drinks Mixer at the Bar 

Day One: Monday, April 8th – Conference Day 1

  • 08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast networking
  • 09:00 – 09:25 Nick Katz – The Hit and Miss World of Amazon Japan: How to Understand the Niche
  • 09:30 – 10:00 Yunige – Japan Import and Compliance: All You Need to Know
  • 10:00 – 10:30 Ritu Java – How to use AI to do Japan Product Market Fit analysis and Japanify your listing that converts 
  • 10:30 – 10:50 Coffee Break and Networking
  • 11:00 – 11:30 Yuliya Blinova – How to Source from Japan
  • 11:30 – 12:00 Daichi Hase – Roadmap to Success in Japan: Case Study with All Steps Explained (7 Figure Amazon Japan seller, ex Amazonian Japan)
  • 12:00 – 13:00 Okinawan Bento Box Lunch
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Workshop I: Brandon Young  “2024 Product Validation for Japan without Speaking Japanese”
  • 14:00 – 14:20 Coffee Break
  • 14:30 – 15:30 Hands-on Working Sessions (get Over-the-Shoulder expert advice on your business)
  • 16:00 – 17:30 Panel Q&A Session on the Beach/Pool 
  • 18:00 – 20:00 BBQ Dinner (Beachside)
  • 20:00 – 22:00 Karaoke (Conference Room)

Day Two: Tuesday, April 9th – Conference Day 2

  • 08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast networking
  • 09:00 – 09:25 Shinjin Kahler, Channel Bakers – Amazon JP PPC Strategies
  • 09:30 – 09:55 Tim Jordan – Ranking and Launching in 2023 Using External Traffic
  • 10:00 – 10:30 Marc Fuoti – Expanding Your biz in Japan – From Amazon to Rakuten and Beyond…
  • 10:30 – 10:50 Coffee Break and Networking
  • 11:00 – 11:30 Bernie Thompson – Maximizing ROI by understanding Japanese Search Term Data (even if you don’t speak Japanese)
  • 11:30 – 12:00 Funahara Testuo – Japanese Youtube Influencer and Line marketing strategies to get 30x ROAS 
  • 12:00 – 13:00 Japanese Bento Box Lunch 
  • 13:00 – 17:00 Japan Shopping Mall Tour 
  • 17:00 – Late  Dinner and evening on your own. (Okinawa Izakaya, hangout by the pool, or ???)

Day Three: Wednesday, April 10th – Fun Day 

  • 10:00 -14:00 Fun Day Activities
    • Private Boat Trip to secluded island
    • Mastermind / Working session with Expert Mentors on the beach,  
    • Snorkeling on the beach
    • Open Sea Fishing
    • or Free Time

We’re less than 2 weeks away and there’s only a few spots left in this mastermind.  Join here:


PS: I know some of you are debating whether to come next year.  To be honest, I haven’t decided if I will do this event again so now is the time to join if you want to get hands on with your product in Japan and learn the roadmap how to sell up to $965k in Japan at 7FSJM in Okinawa –

Why Okinawa is the BEST place for an Ecommerce Conference

Hey there!

As we’re inching closer to the 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind in Okinawa Japan Apr 8-10, 2024, some of you asked why are you hosting the event in Okinawa?  
To answer that, I’d like to share  a bit of nostalgia with you.

Okinawa holds a special place in my heart – my family and I called it home for 2.5 years during the pandemic. Reflecting back, it was an incredibly enriching chapter of our lives.

I was working from a small Naha AirBnB and my son was only 14 months old at the time.  

As I was working on growing my ecom business and creating the 7 Figure Seller Summit, my wife and I were raising our son in Okinawa.

He learned to take his first steps and speak his first words in Okinawa, a place we never imagined we’d live in. 

Naha, the largest city in Okinawa, is where we first landed in Jan 2020.  It is now recognized an up and coming spot for creatives and entrepreneurs,, celebrated as the #1 Small City in the World by Monocle’s 2024 Small City Index. 

Here is the actual tiny desk I worked on for months to create the 7 Figure Seller Summit online – which was attended by 3,000+ people around the world and won the Favorite Amazon Conference two years in a row (while I lived in Okinawa).  

The tendonitis in my wrist started to flare up and I think this desk had something to do with it!

And I was balancing daddy duty – if you look closely you can see the diaper changing mat, my son’s sippy cup, and his stroller in the background.  And my wife’s feet in flip flops since it’s Okinawa!

So why hold the 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind in Okinawa, you ask? 

Picture this: a place where the rich tapestry of Japanese culture intertwines with the historic charm of the Ryukyu Kingdom and a dash of Americana.

Okinawa offers all the urban comforts you’d expect – exquisite dining, vibrant shopping, endless entertainment – all set to a more laid-back rhythm than Tokyo’s whirlwind pace.

Sesoko Beach – “One of the most beautiful beaches in Japan”

We spent months combing through dozens of potential locations from tiny hotels on remote islands to funky lofts and finally found the perfect place for our ecommerce conference.  

Our 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind is nestled in the renowned Hilton Sesoko, a resort that’s literally on the beach.

Imagine starting your day with insightful masterclasses in a conference room and transitioning to networking and panel Q&As with the sand between your toes and the ocean’s melody in the background. 

And yes, snorkeling and soaking up the sun are on the agenda!

And of course we will Karaoke to end the evening on a high note! 

Shoutout to EcommerceChris for sponsoring Karaoke night!

For those of you keen on understanding the Japanese market firsthand, we’ve got something special lined up. 


Our speakers and fellow Japanese sellers will lead you on a guided tour to a local Japanese shopping center. 

It’s a golden opportunity to delve into retail insights – examine local packaging, understand pricing strategies, and grasp what truly resonates with Japanese consumers.

Get a flavor of the Okinawa “Blue Zone” Culture and Lifestyle

And because we’re in Okinawa, a Blue Zone where lifestyle contributes to longevity, we’ll immerse ourselves in the local culture. 

You’ll get to sample Okinawan cuisine, sip on the local spirit Awamori, and even don the Karyushi – Okinawa’s answer to the Hawaiian Aloha shirt, but with a unique Japanese twist.

So, why am I telling you all this? Because this isn’t just another business conference. 

It’s a chance to combine business growth and networking with an elite group of entrepreneurs with an unforgettable island holiday in Japan. A perfect balance, if you ask me.

But remember, time is running out and spaces are limited.

If you’re looking to expand your horizons both professionally and personally, Okinawa awaits. Grab your ticket now at 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind Apr 8-10, 2024 and join us for an adventure of a lifetime.

Can’t wait to see you there and share what was the best time of my life – let’s make it yours too!

Warmest regards,


P.S. Ready for an island Amazon seller mastermind like no other? Because this is a bona fide business conference, you may be able to write off the entire trip as a business expense.  Just saying. Hope to see you in Okinawa!

The 80/20 of Ecom 3/22/24

Hi Everyone,

It’s been a bit crazy busy the past few weeks and I’m still under the weather but the good news is that spring is officially here and I’m super excited that…

7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind in Okinawa in 2 weeks!

I’m impressed by the level of the attendees to this year’s conference.  It’s truly going to be an intimate mastermind filled with 6, 7, and 8 figure sellers.  

In the course of two days in-classroom learning about how to sell in Japan, we are even going to have 

a hands-on workshop where sellers can open their laptop to get 1 on 1 help from Japan selling experts including 8 figure and 7 figure japan sellers.  By the time you walk away from Okinawa, you will have a clear plan on what steps to take to grow your business and sell up to $965,000 in Japan. 

We will also visit a local Japanese shopping center so you can see

  • See Japanese products in your niche in the wild – kitchen, beauty, apparel, pets, etc.
  • Learn about Japanese product packaging
  • See how products are priced in Japan
  • What type of promotions they offer
  • As well as identify new product opportunities in PERSON that you couldn’t have done using online tools

We also will have workshops with Brandon Young on keyword research and product selection in Japan without knowing Japanese.  

As well as Nick Katz leading a product market fit analysis and understand the mindset of the Japanese consumer. 

Even Bradley Sutton from Helium 10 is attending to learn how to sell in Japan!

We will mastermind and network with these fellow entrepreneurs – sometimes the most valuable things you learn are the things you share over coffee, lunch, or drinks outside of the main conference.

We have a couple of spots left and you can join us here:

Suez Canal Shipping crisis update: Gaza conflict’s forgotten shipping crew held hostage in the Red Sea | CNN

As sellers, we are concerned about the shipping crisis affecting our shipping rates and causing delays of products shipping from Asia to our fulfillment centers.  

I was surprised to learn that one of the container ships that was attacked in the Red Sea by Houthi rebels had 25 crewmembers that are currently being held hostage by these bad actors.

These brave crewmembers hail from countries around the world including the Philippines, Bulgaria, and other nations.

TAKEAWAY: I hope this conflict can come to an end quickly, because not only is it affecting business but also people’s livelihoods.  Checkout this CNN article here.

Amazon Germany, Amazon UK, Amazon Japan Faceoff – 7 Figure Seller shares experience – which is the BEST marketplace to sell in? 

Nick Katz, 7 figure seller in Germany, UK, and Japan spills the beans on the costs, regulations, VAT/Tax levels, market demand, PPC costs, and more.  

He even went in such detail he shared about the different customer return rates among the different countries.  

Takeaway: There are some misconceptions about which marketplaces are easier to sell in.  Nick dispels these myths based on his firsthand experience.

One of the keys to success is choosing the right marketplace (not just the right product).  If you really want to move the needle in your business, taking your existing product to the right market could add 6 figures to your bottom line.

If you choose the wrong one however, it could mean a ton of time wasted as well as lost money and the opportunity cost.  Definitely check this training out.  

My Top 3 China sourcing hacks for sellers sourcing from China (don’t make mistake #1)

Recently My friend and fellow amazon seller Deepak Adhav asked me for my top 3 tips sourcing from China – checkout what I said.  Recorded over lunch in Tokyo – funny how quickly I’m devouring my lunch while giving coaching advice! 

TAKEAWAY: Sourcing is critical to every ecom business.  What are you doing to optimize your sourcing right now?  

Kevin King is hosting a Amazon Sellers Live Hack contest 3/28/24 1pm ET / 10am PT

Quick note from my friend Kevin King:

Hacks contest:

– “Rank on page one of Amazon in 7 days or less” 

      – that was just one of the many hacks presented at the last BDSS Hacks contest (see more below)

I’m hosting another Billion Dollar Seller Amazon hack contest online next Thursday, March 28.

When: March 28
Time: 1pm ET / 10am PT
Where: online by Zoom
It’s FREE to attend.

I always do these at the paid BDSS events, and they are super popular.

They are jam packed with amazing tools, tips and hacks for Amazon and e-commerce sellers.

This one on March 28 is open to all at no charge – you can’t afford to miss it.

Register right now. The room can only hold 1,000 people, and last time I had 3,432 register.

Sample of the hacks that competed in February’s hack contest:

  •   Rank on page one in 7 days or less
  •   Health product makes $180K profit with $0.30 ad spend (winner)
  •   Secret tool that gets us over 10,000,000 impressions every month
  •   Immediately reduce your inbound shipping costs by 50%
  •   Index image hack: boost Amazon sales guaranteed
  •   Convert negative reviews into positive ones legally
  •   How to create your own Amazon badges
  •   A 100% FREE, must-have AI toolkit (wowser – winner!)

Takeaway: Kevin always brings TOP TOP Amazon hacks – Join live if you can

What Great Founders do at Night – Ariana Huffington Interview – Masters of Scale Podcast

As an entrepreneur one thing we often overlook is our health.  

How much sleep are you getting?  I just checked my apple watch and I’ve only averaged 5.5 hrs of sleep for months.

Sure I can power through it but listening to this podcast, the biggest takeaway for me is that founders who lack sleep:

  • Are less inspirational 
  • Make more hiring mistakes
  • And are more likely to slack off!

Ariana Huffington also shares the concept of a sleep routine – kind of like a bedtime routine for a young child (but for entrepreneurial adults).  

Takeaway: If you want to increase the quality of your work and your life, then I highly recommend you check out this episode of Masters of Scale from Reid Hoffman

In case you missed it: 

Get some sleep guys – Have a great weekend,


Executive Assistant Role: The “Glue” of Our Thriving 7-Figure Seller Community

Hi Everyone,

I’m looking for an A-Player to join us as a Virtual Executive Assistant and thought, what better place to start than right here, within our community?

I’m hiring an Executive Assistant (virtual position) (part-time to start with potential for full-time) to take care of the details of the administrative side of my business and personal life so I can focus on business growth and spending quality time with my family.

I’m looking for someone detail-oriented and proactive with excellent communication skills.

Who We Are & What We Stand For:

Our mission is to help Ecommerce entrepreneurs and Amazon sellers grow and scale their businesses.

Through engaging webinars, impactful conferences, insightful email content, and personalized coaching programs, we’re helping them grow.

We connect sellers around the globe with the knowledge and networks they need to expand their ventures and ultimately secure the freedom they’ve been dreaming of.

The Role Awaiting You:

This role is the glue that helps the business run smoothly. 

I am a visionary and need an integrator that keeps the vision alive and the operations seamless.

Beyond just managing calendars and sorting emails, you’ll be the heartbeat of our mission, ensuring that every logistical detail is meticulously cared for. This enables us to focus on what we do best: helping entrepreneurs succeed.

But here’s an exciting twist:

We’re pioneering the integration of AI technologies across our operations.

This role is more than a job; it’s a gateway to the future of ecommerce, offering you a hands-on opportunity to engage with tools and strategies that are redefining our industry.

Why You’re Perfect for This:

You are perfect for this because you’re searching for a role that challenges, educates, and acknowledges your hard work. 

You have a penchant for organization, a mind that thrives on solving problems, and a heart that yearns to make a meaningful impact. 

And if you bring at least a year of experience as an Executive Assistant, you’re already a step ahead.

What’s in It for You:

  • Global Influence: Work from anywhere and make an impact on
    ecommerce success stories from every corner of the world.
  • Never-Ending Learning: Rub shoulders with top-notch entrepreneurs and experts. With us, learning is a constant adventure.
  • AI Expertise: Dive deep into AI technology with us and gain a skill set that’s sought after worldwide but found in few.
  • Opportunities for Growth: Show us your potential, and we’ll ensure there’s always a new challenge or project to stretch your horizons.
  • Making a Difference: Through our support of a rural orphanage in Cambodia, you’ll be part of an initiative that’s close to our hearts, helping to brighten the futures of children who deserve every chance in the world.

This will be a fast-paced role with a variety of different tasks and challenges that present themselves each week.

If you are looking for a slower role, or you tend to get overwhelmed quickly, then this is not the right fit for you.

If you are looking for a temporary job while you find something better or so you can go back to school later then this is not the job for you.

If you have extensive experience managing an executive’s personal and professional calendar and have a passion for details, quick problem solving, rapidly learning a variety of different skills and helping others, then this is for you.

See full job description and details to apply here.

Thank you!


Is the 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind Right for You?

Hi Everyone,

Someone recently asked me who the 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind for?  

Let me break down 3 types of sellers who this event is a great fit fo. 

Seller A – 8 Figure Seller already selling in Amazon US or Europe

The product category is not the most important thing but more importantly is the fact that your bestselling SKUs have 1500 reviews or more.  

You already have product development down.  

And you already have had success in the US and Canada.  

But if you launch a new product in the US and it does $10k a month, that doesn’t really move the needle for your business at this point.  

It’s the law of diminishing returns when it comes to repeating the same thing and getting lesser results.

You’re looking to take a bigger swing.

Rather than adding an additional SKU you want to add a new business unit.  

But you are not sure about the whole process of setting up to sell into Japan.  

Dealing with the language barrier, import and compliance regulations and costs uncertainties, and marketing to a different type of customer with Japanese buying behavior. 

Then the 7FSJM is a great opportunity because you will learn the ROADMAP to open up a new marketplace to add an additional $965k to your revenue in 2024.  

Similar brands have experienced this in their Amazon Japan product launches in a 12 month period.  

Moreover you can take advantage of the Amazon global reviews system to carryover all of your reviews to Japan on Day 1 when you launch.  

This gives you an unfair advantage because the competition in Japan is weaker overall, the number of sellers are fewer, and the review thresholds are lower.  

All in all this will make things a lot easier for you as an 8 figure seller selling into Japan.  

In terms of the mindset when dealing with these challenges entering Japan, after you cross the bridges to sell into Japan you will look at these challenges as a MOAT around your business to keep your competition out of Japan.  

In other words they are a natural barrier to entry.

Seller B – High 6 to 7 Figure Business already selling on Amazon US or EU

You have had some success in your main market but growth has plateaued or you have maximized your success.  

Perhaps the new round of Amazon seller fees are taking a big chunk of your margins.  

You could be a digital nomad running your business remotely from Chiang Mai or Bali.  

You probably have a very lean team of VAs and/or contractors but not employees.  

You sense that Japan is a good marketplace but you’re not 100% sure yet.  

You did some preliminary keyword research on Japan and the keywords that rank on are not showing the same results as on 

You’re not sure if import or compliance regulations will be cost prohibitive for your products.

Then this event is right for you because

  1. You will be able to learn exactly how to find out the JP keywords for your product and how competitive they are, search volume, and also cultural adaptations and considerations for how your product may be used in JP
  2. You will get all of your import/compliance questions answered by Japanese compliance experts at the event.  
  3. You will learn how to Japanify your product to make it more culturally acceptable to JP and increase conversion rates.

Seller C works for a high 7 figure or 8 figure brand based in the US, UK, or EU. 

You’re doing significant sales and your job is international expansion.  

You are considering different marketplaces like Germany, UK, and off Amazon and weighing the pros and cons.  

This is the right event for you because

  1. You will be able to get a clear roadmap how foreign brands can setup and sell into Japan quickly
  2. You will learn from actual sellers selling in Japan how they did it so you can do it too.
  3. You will find the right partners to facilitate this process – import, compliance, logistics, shipping, translation, Marketing, PPC, selling in physical retail, Rakuten
  4. By the end of the vent you will have a clear strategy that you can take back to your team how to execute a strategic market entry into Japan to maximize your ROI

What if you’re not one of the 3 sellers above? 

The key is the reviews because reviews in Japan are significantly lower

If you have at least several hundred reviews and your product has product-market fit in Japan I will strongly consider attending.

Rather than investing in new product development and the whole cycle from development, prototyping, launch, marketing, ranking, optimization, you can directly take your existing SKU to market in Japan.

Let’s talk in terms of ROI

You only need to need ship few hundred units of your existing SKU to Amazon’s Japan fulfillment center and pay the $40 a month Amz professional selling plan 

Need to make some changes to your listing in terms of japanese keyword ranking, translations and product image localization.  

And you will require Import compliance regulations, labeling adjustments, and working with an Agent to import into Japan.  

But you will not need to open up a new company.  

And remember when you launch you will carryover your reviews.  So literally you will be at an advantage compared to the weaker competition in most categories in Japan.

This event may not be a good fit for you: 

  1. If you are a new seller – you will not have the reviews on your existing SKUs to carryover so you will lose out on that advantage
  2. You are not willing to invest the time to compete in a new market – the mindset should be that once you cross these bridges they will be a natural barrier to entry to your competitors. 
  3. Your product does not fit into the JP market culturally – for example
    1. items that do not CULTURALLY fit in Japan like taco holders, 
    2. Product that don’t PHYSICALLY FIT in Japan like large patio furniture or equipment that do not fit into Japanese homes, 
    3. Items that may be restricted in Japan – certain products may not be legally sold in Japan (Talk to a compliance specialist) 

In all, if this is for you, then this is actually a very low investment for a high chance of unlocking a new business unit in Japan to add $300-965k to your revenue this year.  

This Amazon FBA opportunity in Japan literally dumbfounded an MBA professor I spoke with recently.

His knowledge was the old way of doing business and trying to enter the Japanese marketplace through traditional retail distribution channels and hiring a local country manager and trying to market the brand through traditional offline channels resulted in most brands failing in Japan.  

This new opportunity selling through Amazon FBA, the #1 ecommerce platform in Japan, that can market to 126 million people with such little investment simply didn’t exist just a few years ago.

Now with Amazon and Ecommerce you literally can fastrack your selling into Japan.

If this sounds like you, I recommend you join 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind in Okinawa Japan Apr 8-10, 2024.

But if you are considering, I recommend you decide soon because the pre-event discount on tickets will expire Friday March 15th at 11:59pm PST.

-223Days -18Hours -27Minutes -5Seconds

Talk soon,


MYTH: Selling in Europe is easier than selling in Japan

Selling on Amazon Germany, UK, and Japan – The good, the bad, and the ugly

Hi Everyone,

A number of you have told me that you plan to sell in Germany and the UK before selling in Japan with the thinking that it’s easier and faster.

Well I wanted to warn you if you think that way, you may be in for a RUDE Awakening.  

Based on my chat with 7 Figure Seller Nick Katz who sells on Amazon in all of Europe and Japan, he thinks differently based on his firsthand experience.

Nick is a seller that I’ve known for many years and he’s a straight shooter.

Nick also interestingly enough does NOT sell in the US because he says there’s too much competition and there is enough demand in the other countries Germany, UK, and Japan for him to sell millions of dollars in  annual revenue.  

His sharing was a lightbulb moment for me and I invited him to come on a live training next Mon 3/11 at 8pm EST.  

We will do a fireside chat where you will learn: 

  • The actual costs of setting up in Germany, UK, and Japan
  • “NIGHTMARE” regulations that you need to deal with in certain countries
  • Tax rates in different countries
  • VAT and what you need to pay to get setup and operating 
  • A secret email that Amazon sends you AFTER you start selling a certain country that will FREAK YOU OUT
  • A review of shipping times into these countries
  • A firsthand perspective on logistics and having to move goods around Europe

If you are considering expanding into Germany, UK, or Japan or even if you’re already selling, I would highly recommend you attend this live training.  

Nick is one of the few sellers who is selling in all these regions and has first hand experience.  He will share the good, the bad, and the ugly so you can decide which marketplaces you want to enter and which ones you will avoid.

And he will answer your questions only if you join live.

RSVP now:

Date and Time: 

  • US Eastern EST (UTC -4) Mon, 11 Mar 2024 21:00
  • Melbourne AEDT (UTC +11) Tue, 12 Mar 2024 12:00
  • Tokyo Tues 3/12/24 10am 
  • London GMT (UTC +0) Tue, 12 Mar 2024 01:00

Topic: Selling on Amazon Germany, UK, and Japan – The good, the bad, and the ugly

Speaker: Nick Katz


What Amazon sellers can learn Top Gun fighter jet pilots

Hi Everyone,

The Amazon business landscape is undergoing 3 fundamental changes in 2024. 

Change 1: Last week we discovered the changing Amazon Fee Stack for 2024 and if you operated your Amazon business the same way as you did in 2023 – you would be in for a rude awakening in the additional fees you racked up.

Change 2: Suez Canal / Red Sea supply chain fiasco that is ongoing and the ripple effect it is having on rising shipping costs and longer shipping times around the world.  

Change 3: Geopolitics – this year is an election year in the US and there are rumors that China tariffs are not only going to stay but could rise up to as high as 60%.  

And China may even be designated the “Least Favored Trading Nation” with more repercussions to come.

One supply chain expert I trust repeats a mantra that the most “successful businesses are the ones that are AGILE”.

And you only need to react better than the next guy to succeed.

Like a Top Gun Fighter Pilot, when it comes to these challenges, these businesses will quickly pivot and find ways to avoid dangers, cut their risks, and quickly take action to accomplish their mission.  

In fact in the US Air Force, retired Colonel John Boyd, coined the concept of the “OODA Loop”

This is the principle of survival when Top Gun fighter jet pilots are engaged in dog fights in mid air.

During these battles, how quickly and effectively Top Gun pilots react and make split second decisions separate the winners that survive from the losers who crash and burn.

Let’s breakdown the 4 steps of the OODA loop:

  • Step 1: Observe the situation
  • Step 2: Orient yourself and your business
  • Step 3: Decide how best to maneuver
  • Step 4: Action – Effective and Speed

Right now in the ecommerce world we are having a fighter jet pilot moment with fierce competition and many  variables affecting our businesses.

Some businesses will survive and thrive in this battle.

Others who react too slowly or ignore these signs and don’t react at all will get there businesses shot out of the sky by the competition and crash and burn.

What can you learn from Top Gun fighter jet pilots?  

Step 1: OBSERVE the situation

Pay attention to the changes in the marketplace. 

The 3 main turning points sellers are facing this year: Amazon fee changes, increasing shipping fees and lead times, and Geopolitical risk of sourcing 100% from China.  

Observe how your competitors are reacting.

Step 2: Orient yourself and your business

Orient by looking for ways to reduce your fees so your business can remain profitable.

Orient by looking for ways to offset or minimize the rise of shipping fees and longer shipping times.

Orient by looking for ways to reduce the risks of sourcing exclusively from China by finding new sourcing options.

Step 3: Decide 

You decide on ways to manage your inventory orders so you hold the minimum amount to reduce your low inventory fees.

You decide to audit your inventory reports to find out the aged inventory that is racking up hundreds or even thousands of dollars in FBA fees a month!

You decide to consider alternate marketplaces like Japan:

  • Lower competition 
  • Amazon fees are lower
  • Shipping costs are cheaper than shipping to the US or Europe
  • Shipping times are shorter because Japan is neighboring Asian countries where goods are manufactured  

You decide to source from a different country like Vietnam so that

  • You can avoid the ongoing China tariffs and save 25%-60% on your landed costs
  • You can source profitable products that your competitors potentially cannot 
  • YOu can potentially cut your sourcing product costs 

Step 4: Action

Then you need to take action effectively.

Do not overanalyze.  Analysis paralysis is your enemy.

The fighter pilot with the shorter OODA loop to Observe, Orient, Decide, and Action more quickly than the competition WILL WIN.

At the end of the loop, the pilot will test the action and then OODA again.

Right now we are in a Top Gun OODA loop moment.

Smart sellers are shortening their OODA loops and pivoting and taking action. 

Some are making a sourcing pivot.

Others are making a selling pivot.

That’s why this Thursday, I’d like to invite you to join Meghla Bhardwarj, Marg Jolly, Kevin Oldham, and me as we give a live training on “Source from Vietnam and Sell in Japan. ‘

Date and Time: EST Thurs Mar 8pm EST (Melbourne 3/8/24 12pm, Tokyo 3/8/24 10am)

Topic: Source from Vietnam, Sell in Japan

You will learn:

  • Why you can’t do the same thing and expect same results in 2024
  • How to be like Apple when strategically sourcing away from China to Vietnam
  • Why new marketplaces are key to sustaining advantages over your competition

Seats are limited so RSVP now:

See you then


 Live Training: “Source from Vietnam, Sell in Japan”

Hey guys,

Quick reminder of our upcoming training on “Source from Vietnam, Sell in Japan” this Thurs at 8pm EST.  (RSVP NOW)

In this live training you will learn:

  • Why you can’t do the same thing and expect same results in 2024
  • How to be like Apple when strategically sourcing away from China to Vietnam
    • What are their good and leading categories and products to source? What are they best at?
    • How much is a container sent from VIetnam directly to an AMazon warehouse in Japan
    • How to identify a reliable and trustworthy supplier/manufacturer?
  • Why new marketplaces are key to sustaining advantages over your competition
    • Is there enough demand for Amazon Japan market? 
    • What’s the most reliable software or method of product research for this market?
    • Is Amazon Japan not congested?
    • What percentage of the population use Amazon to buy and what products are they buying?
    • Can an Australian entity sell on Amazon Japan?
  • And much more. 

Date and Time: EST Thurs Mar 8pm EST (Melbourne 3/8/24 12pm, Tokyo 3/8/24 10am)

Topic: Source from Vietnam, Sell in Japan

Speakers: Meghla Bhardwarj, Marg Jolly, Kevin Oldham, and Gary Huang 

Over 75 people have registered and seats are limited so RSVP now:

See you then!


PS: Can’t make it live? RSVP anyway and we will send you the link to the replay

MBA Professor dumbfounded by how brands can now successfully enter Japan (via Amazon)

His thinking was the OLD way of doing business but the NEW way of doing business is through Amazon FBA

Recently I had a conversation with a long time MBA professor friend of mine.

Though he is very well versed in the MBA world and the OLD way of doing business, he knew little about the NEW way of doing business via the Amazon FBA entrepreneurial opportunity.  

This professor spent years living, working, and doing research in Japan and China from the 2000s through today and shall remain nameless.  

I asked him how foreign brands did market research on Japan before deciding to enter this marketplace.

He said “the history of foreign companies trying to do business in Japan is long and the roadside is littered with failures.” 

But he didn’t know much about the Amazon FBA opportunity in Japan.

In or short conversation, I learned that these unsuccessful companies tried to enter Japan but they failed because of 4 main factors:

1) “Not understanding the Japanese consumer who have some specific and unusual traits”

He added that these unsuccessful companies “ didn’t have a Japanese person who was an advisor (or) representative. Somebody who has played a leading role in decision making about what to sell”

2) Underestimating Japanese fulfilment and logistics challenges

They weren’t able to access the Japanese marketplace channels and didn’t have good distribution. 

They struggled with finding storage and fulfillment problems.  

As well as handling returns and customer service.

3) Fierce competition from established players in Japan

He cited strong threats from local Japanese established players as well. 

4) Difficulty building trust as a foreign brand

Japanese consumers usually are wary of foreign brands especially in terms of customer service and cultural misalignment.

My reaction? 

His thinking was the OLD way of doing business but the NEW way of doing business is through Amazon FBA.  

Selling through Amazon Japan FBA actually solves 90% of those problems.

1) Amazon can help you understand the Japanese consumer

Amazon offers internal research tools such as Brand Analytics and business reports which will reveal data on keyword search trends on a monthly and quarterly basis.  This can help you forecast demand levels for your products in Japan.

And you can even analyze competitors’ products (ASINs) that can help you understand which types of similar products the Japanese customer prefers so you can better deduce how your product will sell in Japan.

You can also gauge product market fit by simply going on and searching for your keyword in English to see if similar results appear.  

In addition there are a host of 3rd party research tools that can help you gain intelligence through keyword research and product research on Amazon Japan.  

This way sellers can better understand the keyword search volume, demand, and competition that was not possible using the OLD WAY of selling into Japan.

However it is still important and extremely beneficial to have a local Japanese native speaker help you with the localization process as in the traditional business sense.

And this can be hired out.  

2) Japan storage, fulfillment, logistics, and customer service.

These are four of Amazon’s STRENGTHS and they have successfully transferred them to Japan.

The Amazon FBA model is best in the world at storage and fast and low cost fulfillment.

Even local players like Bic Camera, Yodobashi, and Yamada cannot beat Amazon’s fast and free delivery in Japan.

Local players take 5-6 business days for delivery (and they charge shipping) while Amazon Prime offers same day and overnight delivery for FREE across Japan.

A foreign brand can quickly ship their product into Amazon’s fulfillment centers in Japan at very minimal inventory investment and low cost. 

We’re talking the cost of your initial test order shipped into Japan and a $40 monthly investment in Amazon’s Professional selling subscription to start selling.

Amazon also handles customer returns and most customer service inquiries as well!

3) Amazon has localized in Japan and became the #1 online shopping platform

Amazon has surpassed Rakuten as Japan’s #1 leading ecommerce platform.  

By selling your brand on Amazon you are piggybacking on the most popular ecommerce player in Japan and you will instantly gain the advantage that foreign brands dreamed about in the 90s and 2000’s.

As of 2024, Amazon is the #1 ecommerce platform in Japan to a population of 126 million people, 73% of them routinely shop online.

Amazon delivery vans are everywhere in Japan.

Amazon’s delivery lockers are everywhere in Japan.  

Japanese routinely turn to Amazon for their purchases.  

4) Leverage the Japanese consumer’s trust in Amazon.

Customers trust the Amazon brand and are comfortable making purchases on this platform and enjoy fast and often free prime delivery to their homes. 

Even in the most remote regions across Japan from northern Hokkaido to southernmost islands of Okinawa.  

They also gain trust in products when seeing the reviews on Amazon. 

And they know that deliveries will arrive on schedule and customer service and returns are guaranteed.  

Amazon has truly Japanified its brand.

For such a low investment we’re just talking about one shipment, you can literally enter the Japanese market and start selling in months not years.

The MBA professor was dumbfounded by that because his thinking was the old way based in the 90s and 2000s.

But we’re in 2024 and brands can totally accelerate market entry into Japan through Amazon FBA.

This option was not available even 10 years ago but it is available now by leveraging the access and trust that Amazon Japan offers.

If you want to scale your Amazon business in 2024, one of the best ways is to expand into a new marketplace like Amazon Japan.

There are bridges to cross such as 

  • Product Market Fit Analysis
  • Localization
  • Import and compliance
  • Shipping and logistics into Japan
  • Marketing Optimization 
  • Driving External traffic and building a list

And these are the types of questions that we will answer in depth at the 7 Figure Seller Japan Mastermind in Okinawa from Apr 8-10, 2024.

This event is for you if you are a 6, 7, or 8 figure Amazon seller already selling in the US or European marketplaces and want to add an additional $300k-965k in revenue in 2024.

We will have 3 full days of trainings, panel discussions, and over the shoulder coaching for your business. 

At the end of the event, you will know exactly the next steps to take for your business to sell into Amazon Japan.

But don’t delay because we have a limited time discount on tickets that expires Mar 15th!  


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